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Palestine for Beginners

A special January Sunday morning class at First Presbyterian of Medford will look at the backstory of the Hamas-Israel War. Avram Sacks has studied Holy Land history for 40 years and is part of a group called Jewish Voices for Peace. He is a member of Ashland’s Havurah Synagogue. Join him in a Sunday morning class during January. The class will meet at 9:45 a.m. each Sunday, January 7th, 14th, and 21st, in the Fireside Room. It will trace the modern history of the Holy Land from 1948 to the present.

If you have a friend or neighbor interested in what’s happening in the Holy Land, invite them to join you for this special class. Please call the church office to reserve a seat for the three-week class.

Images of the Hamas-Israel War have filled TV news reports for nearly 90 days. This is a Gaza City mosque after an Israeli air strike. A January Sunday morning class will look at the backstory of this conflict.