It’s a season for anxiety — on the national level, we have a federal government busy restructuring the world we’ve grown used to over the decades. Here at First Presbyterian, we are discerning God’s call for a congregation after our pastor for the last 11-years retired.
Jesus told us that in life we will face troubles (John 16:33). Troubles produce anxiety. We’re going to spend Lent exploring the promise in Philippians 4:6 that with God’s help we are “anxious for nothing.”
You have two opportunities to be part of this five-week study:
- A fun Thursday evening video chat with Lucado, a chance for fellowship, and exploring the lesson in small groups with trained leaders. Starts March 13.
- A more traditional class on Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m., including the video. Starts March 9.
Click here to sign up for the Sunday morning Class or the Thursday small group presentation. Indicate which option you would prefer, and if you wish to order Lucado’s workbook for Anxious for Nothing. Books are $8.50 each.
Thursday evenings, 6:30 p.m. weekly Slightly Bad Girls of the Bible is a study drawn from three books by Liz Curtis Higgs. Josie Metz leads the class which will be in the office workroom.
Book Club
The Zoom Book Club is taking on Christian Nationalism. Their study is at 4 p m. Mondays. The book is The After Party: Toward Better Christian Politics–Redeeming Babel by Curtis Chang and Nancy French.
To join in – they are tackling a chapter each week – email Hugh Anderson at [email protected].
The book aims to help readers engage other people across political differences, reframe political identity across partisan divides, and relate to others as Jesus teaches.
Archive of “Reading Revelation Responsibly” (held April 14-May 26, 2021).
Videos and other materials for that class have been archived: archived materials for the class.